Poland: Law on protection of whistleblowers

Ladies and Gentlemen,

the issue of whistleblowers is back! 

More specifically, the Whistleblower Protection Act, which has already reached the President and the Speaker of the Senate. Its fate can be followed in real time  ▶ here.

We know that the Senate is expected to complete its work on the Act later in June, and then the President of Poland is expected to sign it.  This means that, probably at the beginning of September 2024, employers with more than 50 employees (including those employed under civil law contracts) will be required to have, among other things 

  • internal whistleblowing channels 


  • an internal whistleblowing and follow-up procedure.

In view of the above, we encourage you not to wait until the last minute and to start preparing today!

SDZLEGAL Schindhelm Law Firm provides comprehensive whistleblower protection services, including those - related to the implementation and operation of whistleblowing channels.

To meet expectations, we have created an electronic whistleblowing platform that you can implement in your organisations. More details on the platform here.

Additionally, we prepare full documentation, including the procedure for reporting internal channels. For our clients, we also act as whistleblowers who accept such reports from whistleblowers on behalf of employers.

We encourage you to contact Ms. Katarzyna Gospodarowicz regarding whistleblower protection.

We will be happy to provide you with additional information or introduce you to us.

Autor: Katarzyna Gospodarowicz