This website uses cookies to provide you with certain features and to collect anonymous data for analysis to help us continually improve our website and make it more user-friendly: Third party cookies are also used for this purpose.
On our website we use services with cookies from Google. Google is based in Ireland but it cannot be excluded that data processing may also take place in the US, where the headquarter of the parent company Google LLC is located. According to the case law of the ECJ, there is not an adequate level of data protection in the US. In particular, US authorities may access data for control and monitoring purposes without providing you with legal remedies comparable to those available in the EU.
Further information about our cookies can be found in our privacy policy. This consent can be revoked at any time with immediate effect for the future. A revocation does not affect the legality of the use of cookies until receipt of the revocation.
Google Maps uses cookies. These are used by Google to record the location, activity and preferences of a user. By clicking the button you accept these cookies.